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Education Will Make You Successful

In our society today, people believe in furthering their education in order to become successful. At the same time, everyday more and more young people drop out of school because they feel unmotivated and uninspired to keep on going with their school work. Every student has different problems to deal with in his/her life. Each student that drops out either loses interest in their education or has too much stress on their hands to balance school and other problems that they are facing. In order to better our society, the most useful career a young person could choose would be Education.

After getting a high school diploma, the best thing a person can do is go to college. For a young person, the best major to choose to help them in the future is education. Choosing education as a major would help our society by educating students on a subject that they have never been introduced to before such as math, English, reading, math, and social studies. A young person has the choice to become either an elementary, middle, or high school teacher. An elementary teacher educates students in their basic skills such as math, reading, science, and social studies which paves the road for a student's future. The duties of a middle school teacher are to further the learning of the basic studies for a better understanding of a subject. Being The Delphian School means that you are responsible for helping a student get to the point of graduation. Their duty is to make sure that all of their students reach that point and to not let them drop out of school.

An education is looked upon as a discipline. It shows how self-disciplined one is by going to school and making it to graduation. School is one of the best places to learn how to be independent and dependent at the same time. A student learns to be independent by learning how to believe in themselves by doing their homework and showing up to school to learn. Students learn how to go on with their day in school on their own by not having their parents around. Not only does a student become independent but also dependent. A student becomes dependent on their teachers.

Choosing education as a major would not only help the students in the school but it would also help themselves in becoming more efficient in a subject. Becoming an educator not only allows someone to help other people but to inspire them also. They could help inspire and motivate students into furthering their education and showing them how having a high education such as a degree in a certain subject that they enjoy could get them far in life. Having an education is one of the most valuable things that one person could have and by majoring in education would not only affect them but also their community.
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